James Rogers
Eighteenth Century Sporting Reproductions and Creations

Welcome to my blog! My main area of specialization is with fowling guns and their accessories. My study focus lies primarily with early English sporting/civilian arms and their accoutrements as well as those related firearms that made it to the colonies in various grades of quality. I also have an interest in continental firearms and associated equipment of the eighteenth century sporting gentleman.
As my focus primarily lies in the 1675-1770 period, I rely heavily on period images, written accounts and documents, and dug remains. I also take into account any surviving examples when provenance can be well established but they can be few and far between for items like pouches, etc.
I hold this method superior to “backdating” later examples or creating pieces with little historical foundation to the actual period of representation. My philosophy has gained respect amongst those with a genuine interest in historical accuracy.
This is not to say that I only make exact copy reproductions. I do incorporate my own elements into my work. I do however, refuse to willingly attempt to justify a piece to an existing period with no basis or represent a fantasy creation as historical.
I will be showcasing my reproductions here as well as presenting original pieces and accoutrements. I will also be sharing some documentation as it comes to light.
I can be contacted by email at fowlingpiece@gmail.com
Your most Humble Servant,
James Rogers
Some new buckles for a set of accoutrements En suite

Some new buckles for a set of accoutrements En suite
game bag 6

Embossed Game Bag with removable net bag. Handmade by me including all the brass hardware. The net front was masterfully produced by my friend Steve Radosevich
game bag 5

game bag 4

game bag 3

game bag 2

Game Bag 1

After Aging Process

After Aging Process
Pouchlets Closed

Pouchlets Closed
Pouchlets Open

Pouchlets Open

Trade Sign

Trade Sign painted by young local artist Brandon Hodges
"Ridgemont" pouch with goat hair flap, gusset, roll welted

"Ridgemont" pouch with goat hair flap, gusset, roll welted
"Ridgemont" pouch with goat hair flap, gusset, roll welted

"Ridgemont" pouch with goat hair flap, gusset, roll welted
17th century bag

17th Century Styled bag based on design and techniques on original examples and images
Close up of Early bag


Handmade Buckle
Stitching Detail

Stitching Detail
Virginia Style Bag With long Diamond Design

Virginia Style Bag With long Diamond Design
Double pouch

Double Pouch
Pouch for the "Hunts for Healing" wounded soldiers outdoor project

Pouch for the "Hunts for Healing" wounded soldiers outdoor project
One of the "Christmas" order belt pouches and belt with custom buckle

One of the "Christmas" order belt pouches and belt with custom buckle
Belt Pouch

The shape of this belt pouch is loosely based on an early 18th century painting by Enoch Seeman, who was in England at the time. I am going to do a few of these before Christmas.

back of belt pouch
Enoch Seeman Painting

This is an early 18th century painting by artist Enoch Seeman who was working in England in this time period. The belt pouch above is a loose adaption of same

Shoulder Pouch c17th century
Handmade Silver Buckle

Handmade Silver Buckle
buckle (Guild)

Handmade buckle in brass
Powder Horn utilizing designs from early 18th c. English fowling gun engraving

Powder Horn utilizing designs from early 18th c. English fowling gun engraving
Germanic Pouch mid-18th century

Germanic Pouch mid-18th century
Square Virginia Double Pouch

Square Virginia Double Pouch
Germanic Flask

Germanic Flask
English Fowling Piece, 1st Place Fowling Gun, Dixon's 2009

English Fowling Piece, 1st Place Fowling Gun, Dixon's 2009
Mountain Shotgun with waterfowling barrel

Mountain Shotgun with waterfowling barrel
Lemuel Lyman Belt Pouch c1755

Lemuel Lyman Belt Pouch c1755
Handmade Brass Buckle

Handmade Brass Buckle
Handmade Brass Baldric Buckle

Handmade Brass Baldric Buckle
"Pteryplegia" Pouch

"Pteryplegia" Pouch
English Game Bag

English Game Bag
Buckle in steel

Buckle in steel